Thursday, April 10, 2008

Final Thought of the Weekend

So the final four was this weekend and I have to say it was one of the best experiences of my life. My friend who played on the Stanford team was able to get me tickets. Just being down there helped me change my perspective on a lot of issues. Generally in my life I have not been truly happy for years. I'm not depressed or anything but I just felt like there was something missing in my life. It's funny in high school I had a love/hate relationship with sports. I loved basketball and liked track but hated the fact that the people who were supposed to be guiding me in these sports did not support me. In fact instead of helping me to excel in basketball they hinted that I should quit and just pursue track and field. Mind you, I'm not delusional, I do know that I was better in track but my heart was just not in it. I loved it when it came to competition time i loved it, mainly during the 4x100 relay which is a team race. That is what I loved about basketball; it was a team effort. If you failed the team failed. If you succeeded the team succeeded. And that was a great feeling. You needed everyone on the team from the starting point guard to the bench warmer. And this is exactly what I saw this weekend. To see my friend and Stanford play just brought back all these memories of how I should have been doing this too. I'm not envious of my friend or anybody else that participated in the Final Four. Matter fact I'm extremely proud that some girls that I grew up with are role models to younger girls who want to be like them and not the video vixen in some rapper's video.

Anywho being there made me realize that I should try to follow the path that I chose for myself because that was what I was meant to do.

Sidenote: Candace Parker is the truth and all but damn her boyfriend is a little hard on the eyes. Oh well as long as he makes her happy...... I guess GO STANFORD, WE'LL GET THEM NEXT YEAR!!!!!!

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