Sunday, May 11, 2008

Invisible Man

I guess some people believe that they can be invisible and no one would notice what goes on around them. Recent events in the past months have proven otherwise. Just because you do things discreetly doesn't mean that people won't speculate. This is true especially when it comes to relationships. Whether your just friends with the person or not, if you start spending an extra amount of time with someone, people will automatically think that there is something going on. Now I'm not saying that you shouldn't have privacy but still don't act surprised or upset when people start to comment and joke on certain things. This is the nature of man: to find a weakness and go for it.

Sidenote: Going to New York for a week for a much needed vacation.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Negative Thoughts

Ever since I started substitute teaching my life hasn't changed much but I am learning new things every day that give me new perspectives on life. A couple of days I subbed at a place where a teacher had a quote up to inspire her students. I believe that we all live by this.... it's just whether they are negative or positive.

It was: Thoughts become words. Words become become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become morals. Morals become life.

Up until then I realized that most of my thoughts have been negative for a long time. In my mind I felt that if I thought the worst then when the worst came I would be prepared and nothing would surprise me. Now I see that I was wrong. Through my negative thoughts I sometimes said negative words and then they became negative actions. And before I knew it, I started having negative habits. Before I got to the morals I stated to myself that I would start thinking positive so all these things can be positive.

Sidenote: Orlando is an interesting place.... this is the only place that I've seen a crackhead with a shopping cart that smells like baby powder.