Thursday, May 8, 2008

Negative Thoughts

Ever since I started substitute teaching my life hasn't changed much but I am learning new things every day that give me new perspectives on life. A couple of days I subbed at a place where a teacher had a quote up to inspire her students. I believe that we all live by this.... it's just whether they are negative or positive.

It was: Thoughts become words. Words become become actions. Actions become habits. Habits become morals. Morals become life.

Up until then I realized that most of my thoughts have been negative for a long time. In my mind I felt that if I thought the worst then when the worst came I would be prepared and nothing would surprise me. Now I see that I was wrong. Through my negative thoughts I sometimes said negative words and then they became negative actions. And before I knew it, I started having negative habits. Before I got to the morals I stated to myself that I would start thinking positive so all these things can be positive.

Sidenote: Orlando is an interesting place.... this is the only place that I've seen a crackhead with a shopping cart that smells like baby powder.

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