Thursday, July 24, 2008

Capoeira Meu Coração

I think I'm starting to fall in love. For the first time in my life I'm starting to feel truly happy. Even with all the bullshit that surrounds me sometimes I'm still just learning to let go and love life. And that is who I am starting to fall in love with; my life. And there is only one thing to credit that and that is capoeira.

I had always envied those people who had something like basketball or music and that was what kept them sane. I mean I LOVED and still love basketball and music and they do keep me sane but it wasn't enough. I still felt like I was searching for something. And now I think I found it.

So message of the day: Find something that helps take away the bullshit; it doesn't necessarily have to be capoeira but something that makes your mind and body healthy.

Sidenote: Doing capoeira does take toll on my body......... I need a massage.

Peace or Muito Axe

Friday, July 4, 2008

The Dopeness

I know it's been a minute since I wrote a blog but I really had no inspiration for a minute. Well anyway I've been in New York for the past two weeks and I realized that I really miss this city. Due to certain events I couldn't really go out much but the few times that I went out was like pure heaven. I swear if I had the money I definitely would have been living here as soon as I graduated.

Anywho one of the things that I did was go see the movie "The Wackness" directed by Jonathan Levine. I saw it at the Angelika Film Center with the MTA riding beneath the theater. This definitely did not fit what the title proposed. It was pure 'dopeness'. Now I'm not going to spoil the movie for people who want to see it but seriously though the movie did everything that it was supposed to do. It is set in the Guiliani era when everything in New York was changing. Good hip hop still prevails and this new dope rapper called The Notorious B.I.G. is killing in music. The cinematography was ill and the best part about it was the music. Am I dork for knowing almost every song in the movie? I'd like to think not. I look at it as knowing good hip hop. Anyway the movie took me back to when music gave you a feeling that I can't even describe; but know that it is a good feeling.

Well I'll be back in Orlando on Tuesday.

Sidenote: While riding on the E listening to A Tribe Called Quest I noticed how rich people just past bums like they don't even exist. Interesting
