Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March Madness...... In More Ways Than One

So the beginning of March marked March Madness which for all you NCAA basketball fans that means bets, pools, and all out college hoops craziness. On the men's side I don't really have a favorite. I saw two of Illinois' games and I was sort of going for them but since they lost to Minnesota (I think, I can't remember right now), I guess I can't go for them. Oh well...... I guess since I went to high school with someone on the Georgia team and that team is the closest to where I live right now I guess I'll go for them. Go Bulldogs? On the Women's spectrum, there is no doubt that I'm going for Stanford. Not only are they a good team but one of my best friends plays on that team. So even if they didn't have a prayer of winning I still would go for them. That's my girl for life. GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!! Anyway since I have no cable and my TV currently doesn't work, I wonder how I'm going to watch any of these games.

On another note disgraced governor Eliot Spitzer stepped down following a scandalous affair involving prostitution rings. I didn't really know much about the New York governor but I knew he was one of the few politicians that did something positive for New York so I give him credit for that. But in any light, this gave way for a new governor to come in which meant that New york just sworn in it's first black governor, governor David Paterson. And not only that he's blind! Who would have thought that a blind black man would be governor of New York. This will definitely be interesting to see considering the current bids for the presidential elections.

I also think that it's funny that immediately after he's sworn in he says that he's had extramarital affairs. According to the New York Times he did this so there wouldn't be any more interferences. In any event I want this man to succeed so like the rest of nonsense that has nothing to do with politics I'm going to dismiss this and focus on what he does for New York.

On the last bit of personal March Madness my BFF came over yesterday and I think it was the best thing for me. I forgot how being best friends with a guy helps you in so many ways when it comes to relationships. He gave me some good advice which I will definitely try to adhere too. And considering this whirlwind craziness that I recently experienced, I think that we had a great talk. And the best part of having him as a BFF is that he doesn't dictate to me what I should do. He just lets me know how guys think and what he thinks is best for me which is great. Because combined with his advice and what I already was thinking this is definitely going to be an interesting week that I'm going to have.

I finally saw the entire "City of Men" movie, and once again I think that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Not only is the cinematography ridiculously great but the actors are also so realistic it's makes the movie even better. I guess it helps that they came from favelas themselves so they know about real life out there in the hoods of Rio de Janeiro. I saw the premiere at Lincoln Center in December but I came late so I didn't get a chance to see the whole thing. But going with my BFF yesterday it couldn't have been any better. PLEASE GO SEE THIS MOVIE if it's playing in your area. Well I don't want to give away anything for you City of God/ Men fans so I'll leave it at that. But seriously go see it.

Sidenote: I just read that a guy sued a stripper and the club for a lap dance. What is the world coming to that a girl can't even lap dance without getting sued. Haha

Anyways, Peace

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