Tuesday, August 12, 2008


I think it's funny when I say I have an addiction. When most people think of an addiction; it's mostly negative. But for me it's a positive vibe. My addictions right now are Capoeira, the Olympics, and Lucky Charms.

With Capoeira as I said before I'm there everyday and I plan my life around it. It's so serious, the other day my father thought that I belonged to a cult. But for me, it not only gets my body healthy but also my mind.

Damn damn damn these Olympics. Every time I want to say that I'm going to sleep early, I end up eating a bowl of Lucky Charms and watch the Olympics till five or six in the morning. And it's usually things that I usually don't have interest in like rowing and archery. And not only am I watching it, but I'm watching it like it's the best sport in the world. I also commentate like I know what I'm talking about.

It's too much but at the same time I'm glad I'm addicted to something like this instead of something serious such as drugs or alcohol.

Sidenote: I'm going back to school in two weeks and it's going to be hard to fit that into my normal rhythm.

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