Saturday, July 24, 2010

When They Hold You Back, Don't Listen

So, I graduated from grad school with my Master's. Yay me. I am grateful for the experience and but I feel that more needs to be done. I feel that I'm not quite done yet. Don't get me wrong, I'm glad it's over. This experience has been waning on me emotionally, which in turn has waned on me physically. But still this is the first time I felt like I have learned something in school. It was an overall great experience, but damn I need a break. I think that's why I have been immersed in a lot of reality television; you don't really have to think. But anyway, I want to be on a grind, find a great position for now, continue to expand my knowledge on my subject and just let go and live.

I was just watching the commercial for the new movie "Eat, Pray, and Love", and I thought to myself, wow that must be amazing to get that feeling. What's interesting is that I was reading some of my old blogs and it was fascinating to see my progression of moods. I kind of started out sounding a bit emo, then joyously happy, then back to semi-emo.
I am not where I once was and I am grateful for that but I still feel like I need to grow. I realized that I jumped from one dependency to another and I never quite learned how to depend on myself. This in turn led me to where I am now..... I depended too much on Capoeira and now, I still feel a bit lost. Capoeira still changed my life for the best and I will always credit it for that. But Capoeira is like a springboard, it can get you high enough, but you need to rely on your own strengths to to make the perfect landing.

Well, now to what spawned the title, as I mentioned, I just saw the commercial for "Eat, Pray, and Love". This was one of the quotes that it had to promote the movie and I think it really applies to life in general. People are always going to try to hold you back, even when it might be unintentional. It's up to you to interpret what they say to adapt to your own life.

I'm trying to be on positive vibes from now on. No more negativity. And this means, no more negative thoughts or words about past events or persons, no more negative actions, and no more negative habits. Because, in the illustrious words of my boy the Enigma, "Hurt people, hurt people". So "In the garden of your soul, weed out rage, so as to sow peace". And I personally think, if I can start doing that, I can go back to the genuinely happy me.

So, Peace and Axe to anyone who reads this.

Sidenote: I need to get back into NYC mode, my slow Florida driving almost got me killed today.

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