Monday, March 31, 2008

Dominoes is a New Yawkah?

Why does Dominoes feel that in order to promote their Brooklyn Style pizza they need a woman with a fake New York accent?

Sidenote: Stanford-Maryland tonight!!!

Untitled (How Does It Feel)

Let us start this blog with comments that I received a couple times that has me wondering. Just now I was reading the lyrics to "Changes" from Tupac to try to see if I can incorporate it into today's blog. I realized that the 'Changes' that he talks about are completely different from what my supposed changes are. What he is talking about is changes for black people as a whole to become better for the future. It sent me wondering whether I had really changed and if so have I done so for the better. These past few years I have changed a lot and I do credit it to being in college. So it's funny to hear people say that I have changed in recent months because I have been changing for the past three years. I am clearly not the same girl from high school (as a lot of people can attest to). And I'm clearly not the same girl that walked into college as a freshman. So this goes around to the same question again. Have I changed for the better? I know certain events may have changed how I behave in certain aspects but still isn't change supposed to be good. I hope in my case it is. If not, I will change as I forever do.

How does it really feel? I got a registration email from my grad school a couple of days ago and it freaked me out. I think this is the first time it has really sunk in that grad school is no joke. I went through high school with ease; graduated with good grades without trying too hard. College was the same way. I didn't BS my whole academic experience but it wasn't hard. Graduated from there with good grades. Now it's time for grad school and they made it seem like it was a lot of pressure which I don't know if I'm ready for it. First off I'm paying for it basically by myself so hopefully I get a job soon. And usually I don't take the religious route but lately I have been relying heavily on my dwindling faith. Like they say in Papiamentu "Cos ta hodido". Then for my classes they don't accept a grade lower than a 2.75 which is a B- in their book. The past three semesters I haven't made lower than a B but still grad school is different; there's a lot more work to it. Finally I'm going to have to find a research that no one has done, make a good case out of it and probably present it somewhere. After all of this I feel completely lost with no hope of being a success. Hopefully that feeling goes away soon or least I get back on track.

How does it feel? So I think that it is extremely interesting that this little kid Stephen Curry has carried Davidson all the way to Elite Eight making them a Cinderella team. This kid has his whole career ahead of him and I think it's great that he's already proved that he can play with the big boys. Too bad Davidson didn't make it to the Final Four, but hey there's always next year. And since he'll be there for the next two years I would have no doubt that Davidson might be in it again. Well I guess I'll root for North Carolina now. GO TAR HEELS?

How does it feel? I wonder how it felt to see.................

Sidenote: My sister saw Barack Obama speak today at her college and it changed her life. I'm so happy for her. Damn I wish I could have seen him speak. My homegirl made it to the Elite Eight. GO STANFORD.... ALL THE WAY!!!.... I think that it's great to see people that you played against in high school play in a tournament that makes them almost celebrities. And to think I've known them since high school. Good times Good times. LOL


Sunday, March 23, 2008

A Different World (Not Really)

First things first I found out what was sending my sensor light haywire. It was a cat. At first I was seriously considering torturing it for making me go crazy but then I realized it just needs a place to live too.

As far as March Madness goes, Georgia is already out, so I'm just randomly watching the games that I can. On the other hand Stanford is still going strong and I'm rooting for my girl all the way!

I GOT IN! I GOT IN! A couple of days ago I found that I got into grad school and I was overwhelmingly exciting. Now that the excitement has died down, I'm a little nervous about going. I mean grad school is a big responsibility and I don't know if I'll be able to handle, I'll guess we'll see when the time comes. And besides that the whole purpose of me moving down here early was so I can get myself settled. Maybe with that experience I'll be able to be ready to take this new challenge.

Sidenote: Happy Easter everybody!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

March Madness...... In More Ways Than One

So the beginning of March marked March Madness which for all you NCAA basketball fans that means bets, pools, and all out college hoops craziness. On the men's side I don't really have a favorite. I saw two of Illinois' games and I was sort of going for them but since they lost to Minnesota (I think, I can't remember right now), I guess I can't go for them. Oh well...... I guess since I went to high school with someone on the Georgia team and that team is the closest to where I live right now I guess I'll go for them. Go Bulldogs? On the Women's spectrum, there is no doubt that I'm going for Stanford. Not only are they a good team but one of my best friends plays on that team. So even if they didn't have a prayer of winning I still would go for them. That's my girl for life. GO CARDINALS!!!!!!!!!! Anyway since I have no cable and my TV currently doesn't work, I wonder how I'm going to watch any of these games.

On another note disgraced governor Eliot Spitzer stepped down following a scandalous affair involving prostitution rings. I didn't really know much about the New York governor but I knew he was one of the few politicians that did something positive for New York so I give him credit for that. But in any light, this gave way for a new governor to come in which meant that New york just sworn in it's first black governor, governor David Paterson. And not only that he's blind! Who would have thought that a blind black man would be governor of New York. This will definitely be interesting to see considering the current bids for the presidential elections.

I also think that it's funny that immediately after he's sworn in he says that he's had extramarital affairs. According to the New York Times he did this so there wouldn't be any more interferences. In any event I want this man to succeed so like the rest of nonsense that has nothing to do with politics I'm going to dismiss this and focus on what he does for New York.

On the last bit of personal March Madness my BFF came over yesterday and I think it was the best thing for me. I forgot how being best friends with a guy helps you in so many ways when it comes to relationships. He gave me some good advice which I will definitely try to adhere too. And considering this whirlwind craziness that I recently experienced, I think that we had a great talk. And the best part of having him as a BFF is that he doesn't dictate to me what I should do. He just lets me know how guys think and what he thinks is best for me which is great. Because combined with his advice and what I already was thinking this is definitely going to be an interesting week that I'm going to have.

I finally saw the entire "City of Men" movie, and once again I think that it is one of the best movies I have ever seen. Not only is the cinematography ridiculously great but the actors are also so realistic it's makes the movie even better. I guess it helps that they came from favelas themselves so they know about real life out there in the hoods of Rio de Janeiro. I saw the premiere at Lincoln Center in December but I came late so I didn't get a chance to see the whole thing. But going with my BFF yesterday it couldn't have been any better. PLEASE GO SEE THIS MOVIE if it's playing in your area. Well I don't want to give away anything for you City of God/ Men fans so I'll leave it at that. But seriously go see it.

Sidenote: I just read that a guy sued a stripper and the club for a lap dance. What is the world coming to that a girl can't even lap dance without getting sued. Haha

Anyways, Peace

Saturday, March 15, 2008

The Curse of the Mysterious Tracks

So a couple of nights ago the sensor light kept coming and since I'm by myself I was so scared I was prompted to call the cops. Ever since that night, when I was home it has never happened again. So yesterday as I was about to leave I saw tracks in the sand behind the bamboo plants. Since it was raining I saw that it walked from there all the way past my car. What the hell is this thing that has me paranoid? I can't even figure out what type of paws it has. Anyway I think it lives in the bamboo plants and it's main purpose is to scare the living daylights out of me.

Sidenote: When life gives you lemons should you really make lemon juice or leave it alone?

Whatever Peace

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Back from Vacay

I'm really getting bored and tired of cleaning this damn house.

On another note I am so glad I went to Curacao for my mother's birthday. It was release in a sense for me. For one it was nice to get away from my minuscule problems that have been plaguing before I went. It sort of felt like a retreat for me. Too just get away for a minute was great. Not only that it was good to see my parents and my sister again. I think all of being apart really took a strain on me. I didn't realize how much I missed my family until I saw them again. As for my dad this trip was the best thing for him. Recently my father has been extremely sick. So sick that some people said that it looked like he was going to die. I guess for me I didn't really want to believe it because as much as your parents bug you they are supposed to be the strongest people you know especially my dad. To hear that he was just unbelievably sick; I chose not to believe because I knew I wouldn't be able to handle it. When I saw him at the airport in Miami I hardly recognized him. He was so skinny and frail that I was in complete shock. I didn't want to leave his side. Well as soon as we land in Curacao my father saw one of old friends and it was a wrap. It was as if he was never sick. He just fell into his old self; kidding and playing around as if he wasn't sick at all. As for me, not eating that much for weeks before that was the best thing for me. Being the fat kid that I am the first thing that I did when I got off the plane was get a sate batata which is the Chinese version of sate and french fries. I literally gained like seven pounds when I was down.

I also forgot how much I loved Curacao. So rich with culture and history it was like an anthropologist's wet dream. I was completely in my element. Everything from the people to the way Otrobanda and Punda was situated almost as if untouched and unharmed by tourism. It was great; I couldn't be happier. The food was great, the people were great the atmosphere was perfect. I couldn't ask for anything more. And then when we went to Kenepa beach, it just solidified my trip. To be at the clear blue water secluded from the rest of the world was perfect. Of course because it was the weekend there was a bunch of tourists and locals there but I didn't mind because it reminded me of when I was younger. Going there with barbecue and awa lamunchi and staying in the water until you became all prunelike was the time of my life as a child. Anyway so I see some of the kids from Bandabou jumping off this cliff and I'm just like damn I want to do that too. I want to feel like a local. So as one of them finished jumping he swims towards the shore so he could he jump again. My sister is just like stop being a punk and go ask them if you could do it. So I ask homeboy in Papiamentu if it was easy to jump and he's like yeah. So I'm like I want to do it and he's like come on. So I go with him and literally as we get closer my stomach is going crazy. I past my mother and my aunts and my mother is looking at me as if I better not kill myself because she'll do it for me. So we're at the edge of the cliff and everybody is looking at the water. In the back of my mind I'm like oh shit someone just got hurt and here I am about to kill myself. Come to find out one of the kids in the water found a blue fish so everyone was looking at that. Anyway I'm standing there and homeboy is like just jump. I looked at him as if he was crazy I thought he was going to jump first. So I'm like where should I jump and he's like just jump where there's sand it's that easy. I'm looking at him like yeah right. So all the locals in the water is like don't look down just go and jump don't think about it. So I moving to the edge looking like I'm about to go jump double dutch and then all of sudden I let go of all my problems and fears and when I open my eyes I'm in the air. Then all of sudden I feel the sting of the water on my butt and it was the best feeling ever. I had never done something so liberating before. I guess that how those women felt burning their bras in the sixties. I'm glad I did it, next time I go I'm just going to go jump and not even think twice about it.

Anyway the whole purpose of that trip was for my mother's birthday party. And trust me I have never seen my mother so happy. First off the party was a success with easily over a hundred people there. Then my aunt gave my mother one of the best presents ever. She brought a folkloric dance group to come and dance. And since my mother was a dancer this was perfect they even got one of the traditional outfits and let her dance in it. Then to top it off they got one of the from Gio ( a very popular band in Curacao) to come and sing for her and my dad for the 25th wedding anniversary. It was perfect. My grandmother also turned eighty so to see her in her element as well and to see how emotional she got when she saw how we were all there it almost made me tear up. Sidenote the best part for me was this lady that they hired to all of the cooking. She cooks right there in front of everyone and the food was ridiculously good. I swear if I had the money that lady's sole purpose would be to cook for me. That shit was so good.
Anyway everything was a success and I'm glad my mother got the party of her dreams, my dad got healthier and me and my sister were able to get away from our hectic lives.

Sidenote: I'm really sick and tired of cleaning this damn house.